Veronica Duff

Meena Manatee Elementary School

Welcome to our 3rd Grade Page!

Feel free to contact me:

Telephone: 941-896-4567


My Mission Statement

A Classroom of Confidence

As a 3rd-grade teacher, my mission is to create a vibrant and nurturing learning environment where each student feels valued, empowered, and excited about their educational journey. I endeavor to foster intellectual curiosity, create a safe environment for social-emotional growth, and critical thinking skills. I create engaging, age-appropriate lessons, collaborative activities, and provide personalized support. I aim to ignite the same lifelong love for learning that I have in my students.

Educational Philosophy

Student-Centered Learning: I believe that students learn best when they actively participate in their own learning. I strive to create opportunities for exploration, discovery, and hands-on experiences. I tailor instruction to the individual needs of every student. Its important to me to empower students to take ownership of their education even at this early stage of instruction. 

Holistic Development: It’s important to realize that Education extends beyond academics. Social, emotional, and physical well-being share equal importance in my lesson planning. 

Differentiation: Every child is unique, with varying abilities and learning styles. Whether through project-based learning or small group activities, I ensure that each student’s strengths are celebrated, and their challenges addressed.

Inquiry-Based Approach: Curiosity drives learning. I encourage questioning, investigation, and critical thinking.  Mistakes are opportunities for growth, and perseverance is celebrated.

Collaboration and Community: Since learning thrives in a supportive community, it is important to me that I promote collaboration among students, parents, and colleagues. Parent involvement is valued, and I will make myself available to ensure that collaboration is possible.

Cultural Responsiveness: Our diverse world enriches our learning environment. I honor cultural backgrounds, celebrate traditions, and integrate global perspectives into the curriculum.